Territory Committed to Nature
The "Territory committed to nature" initiative aims to bring out, recognize and promote action plans in favor of biodiversity carried out by local communities.
This level is best able to respond to the challenges and specificities of each territory.

The Municipality of Val-de-Vesle, through its actions towards biodiversity, has been awarded the "Territoire Committed pour la Nature" recognition for a period of 3 years:

Outing organized by the Conservatory on October 10, 2020

Storytelling walk in
Val-de-Vesle from May 17, 2019

Night outing in the Marais de Courmelois on April 25, 2018
Protect and enhance the natural heritage of the
town of VAL-DE-VESLE
Article from December 2020
I. Biodiversity, a priority issue for our term of office: how?
By continuing to train the elected municipal team and the technical team with the Regional Federation for Defense against Harmful Organisms.
By joining the “Commune nature” label, an appointment is made with FREDON.
By commissioning the 1st deputy in charge of biodiversity, to create a local committee for biodiversity
By including a budget line in 2021 for biodiversity and by continuing our aid to Associations (TREES, Apple crunchers, SFPEM, etc.)
II. Know the local biodiversity:
After the “Division of Communal Biodiversity” carried out by the League for the Protection of Birds, a partnership was established with this organization.
Our wish is to continue to use this atlas and to strengthen our link with the LPO. -
The management of the town's tree heritage is carried out according to the inventory carried out by the National Office of Forests.
Continue to involve the inhabitants of Val-de-Vesle with the help of the Conservatoire des Espaces Naturels de Champagne-Ardenne and the LPO.
Continue educational signage.
III. Preserve the natural heritage to strengthen the local attraction:
Our main objective is to protect our wetland, the Marais Remarquable de Courmelois, in the next intermunicipal PLU.
IV. Promoting biodiversity to residents:
In addition to the creation of a landscaped park and pedestrian paths in 2017, with wooded and shaded relaxation areas (departmental landscape award),
The Commune continues to act in the school and extracurricular context with
1. continued development of the biodiversity garden.
2. the creation of a biodiversity commission at the Municipal Council for Children and Young People.
3. the implementation of the "educational land area" project in partnership with CENCA. -
A local market is organized twice a year to promote short circuits with the presence of a TRI-TRUCK to encourage residents to sort their waste.
In the same vein, a "composting workshop" has just been held, it will be followed by other sequences.
V. Sustainable management of water resources:
By continuing to restore our wetland.
By fighting against water pollution: rehabilitation of non-collective sanitation with the help of the Water Agency and the Urban Community of Greater Reims (35 rehabilitations carried out to date for 70 planned).
For any new construction, water management will be done on the plot (registration in the PLU).
Any new urbanization (in particular subdivision) will be accompanied by the creation of valleys for runoff water.
VI. Anchoring the municipality in ecological frameworks:
The green and blue grids will be reinforced with the work planned by the Joint Syndicate for the Development of the Vesle and Suippe Basins along the Prosne and the Vesle.
The establishment of a network of ponds will continue after the creation of 2 ponds and the restoration of a third.
Black frame: the installation of LEDs for public lighting is in progress, which now allows a reduction in light intensity at night.
A reflection for the total extinction of the lighting for part of the night will be initiated with the new City Council.
VII. Continue to implement ecological management of the municipality:
Have been planted since 2014:
1. more than 150 fruit trees of old varieties divided into 4 communal orchards
2. more than 100 trees of local species: oaks, maples...
3. more than 2 kilometers of hedges of native species. -
Our plan is to renew our partnership with the LPO, to make residents aware of this type of planting: a “nature” day will be organized in November 2021 with the distribution of fruit trees, nesting boxes and hedgehog passages.
In addition, we are going to work with FREDON to train municipal employees in an ecological management practice for green spaces.
VIII. Accommodate building species:
The signature of an agreement with the CENCA for the establishment of shelters for bats will be followed by actions towards the inhabitants.
IX. Others :
The municipality plans to make the Marais Remarquable de Courmelois* a
"showcase of biodiversity" for children and other communities: educational trails, information panels...
* Ce marais est propriété de la commune depuis 2011. Il s' extends over more than 28 hectares.
Other actions are taking place: communication encouraging people to take the train (Reims - Châlons-en-Champagne line), carpooling with the creation of a reserved space with the Montagne de Reims Natural Park, 2 electric terminals for cars have been commissioned by the Syndicat Intercommunal d'Énergie de la Marne...